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Scraps of Elegance 'Tracey's Country Kitchen'
Nasz listopadowy kit nazwany jest imieniem naszej utalentowanej edukatorki Tracey Sabella.
Hello! I created my new project using Scraps of Elegance November 'Tracey's Country Kitchen' Kit.
Our November kit is named after our wonderful Educator, the amazingly talented Tracey Sabella.

Scraps of Elegance 'Tracey's Country Kitchen'
Nasz listopadowy kit nazwany jest imieniem naszej utalentowanej edukatorki Tracey Sabella.
Hello! I created my new project using Scraps of Elegance November 'Tracey's Country Kitchen' Kit.
Our November kit is named after our wonderful Educator, the amazingly talented Tracey Sabella.
Z kitu użyłam papier Bo Bunny 'Provence C'est Chic', karty do journalingu Bo Bunny, białą koronkę Prima Plumeria, Bo Bunny ćwieki, tekturki Fabscraps 'Filigree Sign', słoneczniki wycięłam z papieru Fabscraps 'Tea Lovers. Gwiazdki zrobiłam za pomocą maski oraz żel medium zmieszanym z pudrem do embosingu.
From the kit I used the Bo Bunny 'Provence C'est Chic' paper, the BoBunny Misc Me Journaling Cards, the white Prima 'Plumeria' trim, and the BoBunny brads, the Fabscraps Chipboard 'Filigree Sign', the sunflowers from Fabscraps 'Tea Lovers' paper. The stars I created using mask and gel medium with embossing powder.
Scraps of Elegance November 'Tracey's Country Kitchen' Kit
This month's Main Kit includes:
Patterned Papers:
Embellishments/Other Kit Elements
- BoBunny - Provence Collection: Provence
- BoBunny - Provence Collection: Tres Chic
- BoBunny - Provence Collection: My Secret Garden
- BoBunny - Provence Collection: Harlequin
- BoBunny - Provence Collection: French Quarter
- BoBunny - Provence Collection: Breathtaking
- BoBunny - Provence Collection: Aroma
- Fabscraps - Country Kitchen Collection: Tea Lovers
- Fabscraps - Country Kitchen Collection: Pomegranate
- Fabscraps - Country Kitchen Collection: Master Chef 2
Embellishments/Other Kit Elements
- BoBunny: Provence Collection - Misc Me Journaling Cards (96 cards)
- BoBunny: Provence Collection - Brads
- Fabscraps: Chipboard - Filigree Sign #1
- Petaloo: DIY Alterable Flowers - Burlap Sunflowers
- Reneabouquets: Handcrafted Butterflies, created specially for this kit
- Fabcraps: Silver Scissor Charm
- Fabscraps: Silver Cord Spool Charm
- Maya Road: Jute & Twine Cording - 1 yard
- 1 sheet of 12x12" coordinating cardstock (not shown)
Elements Add On
- Prima - Metals 9
- BoBunny - Filagree Copper Foil Transfers Rub Ons
- Prima - 1.5 Yard Lace Trim - Plumeria
- Blue Fern Studios - Laser Cut Chipboard - Birds In Flight
- Lindy's Stamp Gang - Two Toned Embossing Powder - Midnight Gold Obsidian
Thanks for visiting! Have a nice day!
Dziękuję za odwiedziny! Miłego dnia!
Anna Rogalska
1 komentarz:
Oh my gosh, Anna, as always - I love your work - but this one is especially gorgeous to me. The photo closely resembles my close friend and cousin, Gail and her cat Candy, when she was very young. Unfortunately, Gail recently passed away - but what a wonderful memory you brought to life. Again, a most gorgeous layout!
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